The Full VIP Experience
Did you know that we offer early-access shopping for our VIPs? Yup!
Think of it as if your favourite department store opened its doors just for you and a handful of others before the rush on Boxing Day or Black Friday.
You can rush the new releases to avoid missing out, or you can take your time to browse the store without feeling the time pressure of making a decision.
It’s truly a VIP experience.
How it works:
- we password protect our new releases on the night of the launch
- we then email you with a link and a password that allows our VIPs private access to the store one full hour before the rest of the public!
We’ve found that anyone who has desperately wanted a particular item (cough, embroidery stands!) was able to get them and some even customers bought their stand in one transaction and then went BACK INTO the store to buy patterns and accessories at their leisure.
It’s really easy to become a VIP. Just sign up below to our “don’t miss out” mailing list. It’s completely free and you can unsubscribe at any time.